We asked Arden Building Companies staff for one word that best describes 2020. Their response – mind-boggling, discriminable, stressful, conflicted, different, debacle, delete, existential, surreal, and crazy. There are many more words that could be added. After all, we have all been dealing with significant loss of life, business, freedom, and financial stability, to mention a few.
But the Arden staff has been diligent in their efforts to move forward. To put on their masks, work through the foggy glasses, and chapped sanitized hands. They have worked hard, remained dedicated, and above all, been patient with things to change from the “new normal.”
Their efforts through teamwork to complete projects effectively and efficiently despite immense adversity is much appreciated. Arden Building Companies management comments on their continued hard work during a time of great adversity…
“In these adverse conditions, you bravely marched forward. In times with many questions, you found solutions.
For these reasons, we are forever grateful.”
John Puniello, President, Arden Engineering Constructors
“I am constantly surprised and motivated every day. Even in the middle of this pandemic and a difficult market, everyone looks out for one another and are willing to lend a hand. From pledging to the American flag hung in our warehouse to decking the place out with Halloween decor, our people are finding ways to keep their spirits high. I can honestly say I’m excited to come to work every day, and it’s because of the great team we have here.”
Paul Battaglia, President, Corporate Mechanical of New England
‘The Oxford dictionary defines gratitude as “the appreciation of an inclination to return kindness and quality of being thankful.” I am very proud to see our employees practice gratitude with one another during this unprecedented difficult time. By everyone following our COVID-19-safe workplace guidance, screenings, and safe distancing, exhibits how much they care about everyone’s wellbeing, health, safety, and gratitude for each other.’
Edward Carvalho, President, MJ Daly
“From jobs being shut down, bid boards drying up, homeschooling children, layoffs, and many other challenges to overcome, this has truly been a demanding year. Watching the camaraderie and compassion between co-workers, general contractors, engineers, and owners have been amazing. Our teams are now closer, more efficient, and ready to go the extra mile more than ever before, and because of that, we will come out of this stronger than ever before.”
Paul Carter, General Manager, Earthwise Energy Technologies
“I am extremely proud of the bravery and commitment displayed by our team during these challenging times. Their efforts and their continuing dedication and spirit is nothing short of remarkable.”
Norm Brothers, President, Unique Metal Works